By: Hafizur Rahman, Camp Correspondent
Konsuma, a 39-year-old Rohingya woman from Fansi village in Buthidaung Township, is a mother of five. She recently endured a grueling two-day and one-night journey to reach the Bangladeshi border after fleeing for her life.
During intense clashes between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar military in Buthidaung Township from June to July 2024, the AA forcibly gathered all villagers in the Fansi area into one location. Konsuma’s family, along with others, faced dire conditions without access to food or medical aid.
“We couldn’t eat properly for days. My family and I survived by collecting leftover scraps of food abandoned by the AA to feed my children,” Konsuma shared.
The conflict brought widespread humanitarian crises across Rakhine State, with the Rohingya community particularly suffering from starvation and deprivation due to blocked aid. Konsuma witnessed the horrors firsthand. Thousands of Rohingya families were trapped in schools and other public places. Despite a slight stabilization in Buthidaung, AA refused to allow the Rohingya to return to their villages.
“In July, a bomb exploded near us, and I sustained severe injuries to my leg. I hoped the AA would provide medical care, but they didn’t, leaving me to endure the pain for about a month. My injury worsened day by day, and as a mother who had recently given birth, I struggled with the unbearable pain, unable to move.”
After a month of suffering, Konsuma sought help from her neighbors, who assisted her in crossing into Bangladesh. “I knew the journey wouldn’t be easy, but I was determined to fight for my life and my children’s survival,” she said.
“I pleaded with them to bring me and my children to the border, but they refused to bring my entire family. I understood their reasons, but I couldn’t come to terms with leaving four of my children behind. As a mother, the situation was indescribable, but I gathered all my strength to care for my remaining children,” Konsuma recounted.
The journey to Bangladesh took two days and one night, where she finally received medical treatment. However, Konsuma is still struggling to access proper healthcare and continues to face challenges. “I need your help,” she pleaded.
“I miss my four children whom I cannot contact or get any information about. The pain of separation and uncertainty is unbearable,” Konsuma added, her voice filled with sorrow.