13th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

Press Release
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13th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique.pdf

At the kind invitation of his Excellency President Seyni Kountche, Chairman of the supreme
military Council and head of State of the Republic of Niger, and pursuant to the Resolution
adopted by the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Baghdad, the
Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference was held in Niamey, Capital of the Republic of Niger, during the period 3-7 Zul
Qada 1402H, (corresponding to 22 – 26 August 1982).
The Thirteenth Islamic Conference was preceded by a preparatory meeting of the senior
officials held on the 1st of Zul Qada 1402 H, (corresponding to 20 August 1982).
The Conference was attended by the following member-states:
 People’s Democratic Repub1ic of Algeria.
 The State of Bahrain.
 Peop1e’s Repub1ic of Bang1adesh.
 United Repub1ic of Cameroon.
 Is1amic Federal Repub1ic of Comoro.
 Republic of Djibouti.
 Republic of Gabon.
 Repub1ic of the Gambia.
 Peop1e’s Revo1utionary Repub1ic of Guinea.
 Repub1ic of Guinea-Pissau
 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
 Repub1ic of Iraq
 Republic of Indonesia
 Islamic Repub1ic of Iran
 The State of Kuwait
 Republic of Lebanon
 Ma1aysia
 Repub1ic of Ma1dives
 Republic of Ma1i
 Is1amic Repub1ic of Mauritania
 King of Morocco
 Republic of Niger
 The Su1tanate of Oman
 Islamic Republic of Pakistan
 Pa1estine
 The State of Qatar
 King of Saudi Arabia
 Repub1ic of Senegal
 Repub1ic of Sierra Leone
 Democratic Republic of Somalia
 Democratic Republic of Sudan
 Syrian Arab Republic
 Repub1ic of Tunisia
 Repub1ic of Turkey
 Republic of Uganda
 United Arab Emirates
 Republic of Upper Volta
 Yemen Arab Republic
 People’s Democratic Repub1ic of Yemen