1st Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

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1st Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers Final Communique .pdf

DECLARATION OF THE RABAT ISLAMIC SUMMIT CONFERENCE The Heads of States and Governments and Representatives of the Kingdom of Afghanistan, Algeria Democratic and Popular Republic, Republic of Chad, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Indonesia, Empire of Iran, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Kuwait, Republic of Lebanon, Arab Republic of Libya, Malaysia, Republic of Mali, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Niger, Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Somalia, Popular Republic of Southern Yemen, Democratic Republic of Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, United Arab Republic, the Yemen Arab Republic, and of the Moslem Community of India, met at the First Islamic Summit Conference held in Rabat from 9 to 12 Rajab 1389(22 to 25 September 1969)