4th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

Press Release
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4th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique.pdf

The Fourth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers meeting in Benghazi, L.A.R. from 19-21
Safar, 1393 H (24-26 March, 1973),
In pursuance of the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conference in Rabat and the
previous Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Palestine Question and related
RECONSIDERING the evolutions of the Palestine problem and its developments on the
international scene as well as the grave situation resulting from the usurpation of Palestine
territory, the expulsion of its people, and the occupation by force of part of territories of
three Islamic States, all of which constitute a violation of the UN Charter and resolutions
and a threat to world peace ;
REAFFIRMING paragraph 5 of Article II of the Islamic Conference Charter, stipulating that
the consolidation of the Palestine People’s struggle for the restoration of their legitimate
national rights and the support of sister Islamic Arab States for the recovery of their
occupied territory, was an obligation and duty necessitated by Islamic solidarity and the
principles of justice and peace ;
NOTING the United States persistence in supplying the aggressor Zionist entity with
military, economic and technical aid thus encouraging it to pursue its expansionist policy;
NOTING the design of the Zionist entity for the annexation and judaization of Jerusalem and
the alteration of its religious and historic features;