7th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

Press Release
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7th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique.pdf

1. The Seventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, convened in its Seventh
Session held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, from 13-16 Jumad al Awal, 1396 H
(12-15 May, 1976), in accordance with the decision of the Sixth Islamic Conference
of Foreign Ministers, Jeddah, and at the invitation of the Government of Turkey in
the City which has served as the capital of Islam for half a millennium and whose
historic monuments proclaim the matchless glory of Islam.
2. The Conference was preceded by a preparatory meeting of Senior Officials of the
participating delegations on 9-10 Jumad al Awal, 1396 (10-11 May, 1976), .
3. The following Member States took part in the Conference: Republic of
Afghanistan, Algerian Democratic and Popular Republic, Republic of Bangladesh,
State of Bahrain, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Chad, the State of the Comoro
Islands, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Gabon, Republic of Gambia, Republic of
Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Indonesia, Empire of Iran, Republic
of Iraq, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, State of Kuwait, Republic of Lebanon, Libyan
Arab Republic, Malaysia, Maldives Islands, Republic of Mali, Islamic Republic of
Mauritania, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Niger, Oman Sultanate, Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Senegal,
Democratic Republic of Somalia, Democratic Republic of Sudan, Syrian Arab
Republic, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Uganda, State of
United Arab Emirates, Republic of Upper Volta, Yemen Arab Republic, Yemen’s
People Democratic Republic, Palestine Liberation Organization.
4. The following Organizations attended as Observers or Guests:
1. The United Nations,
2. The League of Arab States,
3. Rabitah Al Alam Al Islami,
4. Muslim World Congress,
5. Muslim Youth Organization.