Buddhist Art of Myanmar

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Buddhist Art of Myanmar

Edited by Sylvia Fraser-Lu and Donald M. Stadtner —  Asia Society Museum

This exhibition, “Buddhist Art of Myanmar,” is the first major presentation in the United States devoted solely to the art of Myanmar. The majority of artwork on loan in this exhibition has been drawn from five museums across Myanmar and represents a significant occasion in the history of relations between the United States and Myanmar during the past twenty years. The exhibition had its genesis three years ago when President Thein Sein gave a public address at Asia Society in New York and expressed interest in fostering cultural exchange between Myanmar and the United States. Two months later Melissa Chiu, former Museum Director and Senior Vice President of Global Arts and Cultural Programs and current Director of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, visited Myanmar to pursue the productive collaboration with officials in Myanmar in the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Religious Affairs that would become the present exhibition.

Asia Society Museum has a long history of developing exhibitions that explore less familiar areas of Asian art. Whether exquisite treasures of the little-known Liao dynasty (907–1125) concurrent with the better studied Song dynasty (906–1279); the dazzling gilded figures of the Densatil Monastery at its height from the thirteenth to fifteenth century, but destroyed during the twentieth century; or overlooked masterworks of revolutionary China or modern Iran, the Museum’s mission has been to introduce audiences to the best art from Asia. This has often included the organization of major first-time loan exhibitions such as one of extraordinary art of Gandhara from museums in Pakistan, or a historical survey of art and antiquities from Vietnam, representing more than twenty years of cultural diplomacy that predated normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam. Like those projects, the present exhibition provides insight into the culture of Myanmar at a time of its renewed engagement with much of the world. The project would not have come to fruition without the inexhaustible efforts and enthusiasm of Melissa Chiu and I congratulate her and applaud her achievement. Asia Society is deeply grateful for her energy for this project, as for so many groundbreaking efforts the Museum has undertaken during her tenure.

Many individuals in Myanmar offered critical support for this project. They include H. E. U Aye Myint Kyu, Union Minister for Culture; H. E. Daw Sanda Khin, Deputy Minister; U Kyaw Oo Lwin, Director General, Department of Archaeology and the National Museum; U Aung Naing Myint, Head of the Office of the Ministry of Culture; U Thein Lwin, Deputy-Director General, Department of Archaeology and the National Museum; Daw Nu Mra Zan, Museum Consultant and Deputy-Director Generalretired, Department of Archaeology and the National Museum; Daw Mie Mie Khaing, Director, International Relations, Departmentof Archaeology and the National Museum; U Ngwe Tun Myint, Director, National Museum, Yangon; U Myint Zaw, Director, National Museum, Nay Pyi Taw; Daw Htay Htay Swe, Deputy Director of the Ministry Office; Daw Mie Mie Thet New, Deputy Director, National Museum, Yangon; Daw Aye Aye Thinn, Deputy Director, National Museum, Nay Pyi Taw; U Naing Win, Director, Bagan Archaeology Branch, Department of Archaeology and the National Museum; Daw Baby, Deputy Director, Bagan Archaeological Museum; U Win Kyaing, Principal of the Field School of Archaeology, Pyay; U Myo Tint Aung, Deputy Director, Pyay Archaeological Branch, Department of Archaeology and the National Museum; and Daw Myint Myint Thein, Assistant Director, Sri Ksetra Archaeological Museum, Hmawza. Similarly, from the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Religious Affairs we thank H. E.  U Sant Sint, Union Minister for Religious Affairs; U Khaing Aung, Director General, Department of Promotion and Propagation of Sasana; Daw Yin Yin Myint, Deputy Director, External Missions; and Daw Nwe Nwe, Assistant Curator, Kaba Aye Buddhist Art Museum. Among the others who were most helpful in our efforts to realize this project are Terry Tan, Serge Pun, and Judy Ko. I also would like to thank Alan Chong, Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum and the Paranakan Museum, Singapore, for his early support. We hope that a greater awareness of the history of Buddhism in Myanmar will contribute to our deeper understanding of Myanmar’s developing role in the twenty-first century. Josette Sheeran, President and CEO, Myanmar .

This exhibition has benefited greatly from the commitment of Asia Society’s staff. We want to recognize the leadership of Josette Sheeran, President and CEO, and Melissa Chiu, former Museum Director and Senior Vice President of Global Arts and Cultural Programs, and others on the Asia Society team who were so helpful in realizing this project, including Suzanne DiMaggio, former Vice President of Global Policy Programs, and Rachel Cooper, Director of Global Performing Arts and Special Cultural Initiatives. Particular thanks go to the museum team: Adriana Proser, John H. Foster Senior Curator for Traditional Asian Art, who worked closely with the curators to shape the exhibition and publication; Clare McGowan, Senior Registrar and Collections Manager, who coordinated the loans and transport and installation arrangements; John Gatti, Installation Manager; Leise Hook, Museum Publication Coordinator, for her work on the book and interpretive materials; Nick Pozek, Manager of Museum Digital Strategy; Nancy Blume, Head of Museum Education Programs; Donna Saunders, Executive Assistant; and Laili Paksima, former Manager of Global Museum Events and Special Initiatives. In addition to Rachel Cooper, La Frances Hui, Anne Kirkup, and Rachel Rosado also have contributed to the exhibition and catalogue in different capacities. Thanks also are due to our co-publisher, Yale University Press; to Alicia Turner for her expert editorial assistance with the manuscript; to Miko McGinty and Anjali Pala for the truly beautiful book design; and to Clayton Vogel for the exceptional exhibition design. Others at Asia Society who should be thanked for their support include Tom Nagorski, Executive Vice President; Elaine Merguerian, Director of Communications and Marketing, and their team for public relations and marketing; Christine Davies, Linsey LaFrenier, and the External Affairs team for their fundraising efforts; and Dan Washburn, Megan MacMurray, Tahiat Mahboob, and Jeff Tompkins for their contributions to the website production. We hope you will enjoy this exhibition and catalogue.