Crime Against Inhumanity : Rohingya Persecution

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Crime Against Inhumanity :  Rohingya Persecution

Report of Human Rights Council 2014

The Rohingya Muslim in Myanmar’s Rakhine state have suffered serious and persistent human rights abuses. The Rohingya persecution becomes widespread issue for the last four years. The pattern of widespread and systematic human rights violations in Rakhine State may constitute crimes against humanity as defined under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Extrajudicial killing, rape and other forms of sexual violence, arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment in detention, denial of due process and fair trial rights, and the forcible transfer and severe deprivation of liberty of populations has taken place on a large scale and has been directed against the Rohingya Muslim population in Rakhine State.

 These human rights violations are connected to discriminatory and persecutory policies against the Rohingya Muslim population, which also include ongoing official and unofficial practices from both local and central authorities restricting rights to nationality, movement, marriage, family, health and privacy. Legal analysis considers whether the ongoing attacks on and persecution of the Rohingya Muslim population in Myanmar constitute genocide. This analysis does not conclude definitively whether genocide is occurring. Such a conclusion would require a full and independent investigation by an appropriately authorized institution with investigatory powers and provisions for the accused to respond to allegations.

 Objectives — On this issue of Rohingya persecution we are basically focusing : To explore the continuous persecution of Rohingya  population; the reason behind the persecution.

 History of The Rohingya  : The term Rohingya is derived from the word “Rohang” which is an old name for Rakhine. Hence the term Rohingya has come to mean Muslim from Rakhine State. The Rohingya are an ethno-religious minority group from the Rakhine region, formerly known as Arakan, which today is encompassed within the borders of Myanmar and is adjacent to Bangladesh. There is an estimated population of between one and 1.5 million Rohingya in Rakhine State (Human Rights Council:April,2014).Much of the population is concentrated in the three townships of North Rakhine State – Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung – where the Rohingya are in the majority.( Other smaller minority communities of Rohingya are scattered throughout Rakhine State. To a large extent, Rohingya have been contained in Rakhine State, through successive government policies. However, small numbers of Rohingya have settled in Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, and other places in Myanmar.