Decision on the Request of the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies for Leave to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations 10 August 2018DecisionPre-Trial Chamber IICC-RoC46(3)-01/18-35 of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (“Myanmar”) to submit observations on the Prosecutor’s

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Decision on the Request of the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies for Leave to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations.PDF

PRE-TRIAL CHAMBER I (the “Chamber”) of the International Criminal Court
(the “Court”) issues this decision on the request of the Thayninga Institute for
Strategic Studies (the “Applicant”) for leave to submit amicus curiae observations
(the “Request”).
1. On 9 April 2018, the Prosecutor filed the “Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling
on Jurisdiction under Article 19(3) of the Statute” (the “Prosecutor’s Request”),
pursuant to regulation 46(3) of the Regulations of the Court and article 19(3) of the
Rome Statute (the “Statute”).
2. On 11 April 2018, the President of the Pre-Trial Division assigned the
Prosecutor’s Request to the Chamber.3
3. On 7 May 2018, the Chamber invited the competent authorities of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh (“Bangladesh”) to submit observations on the Prosecutor’s
Request pursuant to rule 103(1) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
(the “Rules”).4 Bangladesh submitted confidentially its observations on 11 June
4. Between 29 May 2018 and 14 June 2018, the Chamber granted leave to the
following organizations and persons to submit amici curiae observations on the
Prosecutor’s Request: the International Commission of Jurists;6 members of the