Genocide of Rohingya Muslims: A Classical Model of Ethnic Cleansing

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Genocide of Rohingya Muslims: A Classical Model of Ethnic Cleansing

Noor Mohammad Osmani , Belayet Hossen, Qutub Shah and Maulana Akbar Shah @U Tun Aung

Considerable historical evidence affirms that the Rohingya Muslims are indigenous inhabitants and rightful citizens of Myanmar, who have been living in Rakhine State not for decades, but for centuries. The Myanmar government has been systematically eradicating the Rohingya people due to their Islamic religious identity. This analysis finds that the ongoing persecution on Rohingya Muslims is a manifestation of a classical model of ethnic cleansing. The disasters experienced in Rakhine State present a complete evidence of systematic, widespread and prolific human rights violations, including heinous crimes against humanity. This article presents an academic perspective on repeated incidents, based on authentic proofs to international community of ethnic cleansing committed by the Myanmar army. This research has been carried out through various types of sources, such as recent and previously published books, articles, local and international newspapers, TV channels, magazines, documentaries, human rights organizations’ reports, and eye-witness accounts of the victims. Finally, it provides suggestions to resolve the rising problems, which may bring a permanent solution to the long-lasting humanitarian crisis in Rakhine State.

As a parable of an ethnic cleansing, Rohingya Muslims are a superlative example for the 21st century. In pursuit of the extirpation of Rohingya Muslims from Arakan, the Myanmar government has inflicted all types of torture upon them. Their citizenship has been denied, and their access to education, politics, religion, marriage, giving birth to children and all sorts of conventional citizens’ rights have been terminated. As a result, the lucky ones are refugees throughout the world, frequently exploited, abused, and despised, while many more remain imprisoned under the hostile and brutal Myanmar regime. While the issue has become particularly acute since the 2000s, many Rohingya men, women, and children have been murdered in Myanmar for decades.

In order to explore the applicability of the classical model of ethnic cleansing in Rakhine State by the Myanmar authorities, some crucial issues are addressed in this paper, such as the historical background of Rohingya Muslims, denial of citizenship, burning houses into ashes, rape and sexual harassment, mass killing, looting wealth and property destruction, barring humanitarian aid and journalists, and banning marriage and birth. Based on the findings, some suggested solutions to mitigate the crisis are presented, followed by the conclusion and bibliography.