Rohingya Research Bibliography

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Rohingya Research Bibliography
Compiled by Keith A. Leitich, MA, Ed.S.  is a political analyst focusing on Central and East Asia based in Seattle, Washington, USA.  

This bibliography is an attempt to catalogue the publications in English that focus on the Rohingya. If you are interested in a bibliography of English language Burma (Myanmar) research, I recommend Michael Charney’s “The Bibliography of Burma (Myanmar) Research: The Secondary Literature”, SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research Bibliographic Supplement, Winter 2004–2004.pdf

or Andrew Selth’s Burma (Myanmar) since the 1988 Uprising: A Select Bibliography, Brisbane: Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, 2018


This bibliography is solely intended as a guide to English-language literature related to the Rohingya. The information provided is intended as a survey of the literature. Inclusion in this bibliography is not an endorsement. The quality of the articles, reports and books can and will vary. Suggestions for additional publications and/or corrections are always appreciated.##