Rohingyas’ Debate and 1951 International Refugee Convention: A Security Concerns Analysis

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Rohingyas’ Debate and 1951 International Refugee Convention: A Security Concerns Analysis

 Khaleda Yasmin, Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh

 Bangladesh is a densely populated South-Asian country along with 160 million people. Since its independence in 1971 from Pakistan, it has been sharing border with two close neighboring countries namely, India, and Myanmar. Additionally, Bangladesh’s relationship with Myanmar had been strengthened after joining Myanmar into BIMSTEC in 1997. In spite of having a good relationship; both countries cannot reach in good negotiations for rohingya exchange, a Muslim suppressed minority group lives in the northwestern part of the Rakhine3 (Arakan) state of Myanmar (Burma). Furthermore, rohingya issue has been a rising and serious matter for Bangladesh and also is a security threat. This problem had started from 1978; almost 200,000 stateless oppressed people ran away from their home country to Bangladesh illegally crossing the border. That time they were pushed back with proper negotiation with Burma. Again in 1991-92, south-east district of Cox’s Bazar of Bangladesh enclosed by approximately 250,000 rohingya. This problem was resolved with the help of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) by serving relief operations and helping to make agreements on the repatriation between Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Recently, Bangladesh has been faced a great problem towards Rohingyas after the 2012 Rakhine State riots that were a series of conflict among minority group of Muslims and Buddhists. The riots finally led a dangerous consequence of sectarian dispute including a gang rape and murder by Rohingya. Nonetheless, these riots spread as fire when Rakhines killed at least ten Burmese Muslims (Manik, 2012). Myanmar governments involved riots by the name of regional peace keeper. In reality, for operating systematic violence and persecution by government, thousands of Rohingya people forced to migrate into neighboring countries Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. However, from 2012 Rohingya had been recognized as ‘boat people’ covered by international Media. Besides, Rohingya minority group was absent in 2012 census organized by Myanmar Government; minority Muslim group was classified as stateless Bengali Muslims by Myanmar.

On the other hand, Bangladesh from its humanitarian point of view gave shelter them in Cox’s Bazar areas; even Bangladesh is not a signatory party of 1951 Refugee Convention4 and 1967 Protocol. So, Bangladesh is not obliged to accept them. However, Rohingyas, on the other hand, are committing crimes, and involving communal violence. Further, they are trying to belittle Bangladesh’s image in aboard by using their fake passports. They are also responsible for environmental degradation. Therefore, for identifying the Rohingyas’ problems and finding probable way-out, this research has significant value in the field of social sciences.

In view of the above statement this study attempts to draw a clear explanation that main concerns are internal security or other domestic reasons for not acceding refugees; 1951 International Refugee Convention can be used as an excuse. It has also focused on internal socio-economic reasons and has tried to sort out probable way out before drawing a conclusion.

However, continuously facing and observing these problems, it is necessary for a researcher to focus on Bangladesh position towards Rohingya issue. It is recommended that Bangladesh can show its position in 1951 International Refugee Convention. It can be used as tactful excuse to refuse Rohingya from Bangladesh. In other words, it is high time for Bangladesh to get international attention toward Rohingya problems by emphasizing its position in 1951 International Refugee Convention. Furthermore, it can also focus its strong initiatives against human trafficking, drugs smuggling, and law and order situation issues. It is important to take diplomatic decision considering its own internal security, population, territory, environment, and socio-economic conditions.

Therefore, Rohingya issue demands to academic analyses for discovering a probable way-out for this mostly undesired group as well as for strengthening a secured atmosphere for Bangladeshi citizen. The most relevant theories which are pertinent with this sort of study are Human Rights, theory of Non-Refoulment, ethos of 1951 and 1967 refugee laws, and finally doctrine of 1969 Organization of African Unity. Essentially the concerned theories have been explored for theoretical explanation and perception of refugee issues and Bangladesh legal position towards Rohingya refugees.