Some Rohingya MPs in Burmese Parliament

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Today some people are branding that Rohingyas are Stateless people. The present military regime SPDC is saying that Rohingyas are not citizens of Burma as they are not included in so called 135 recognized ethnic people. Some Rakhine activists inside and outside the country have been propagating that Rohingyas are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. If these all are true, why, Rohingya can elect their own representative(s) after exercising their voting rights since pre-independence of Burma until SPDC held election in 1990, the latest election in Burma.

In the first election of 1936 the remarkable point is that Mr. Gani Markan was elected from the Community of “Burmese national” category. Thus Rohingya were enlisted as Burmese nationals. Mr. Sultan Mahmood was Minister of Health in U Nu’s Cabinet. Mr. Sultan Ahmed was Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Minority with the status of Deputy Minister. He was one of the longest serving parliamentary secretaries. Mr. Abdul Gaffar and Mr. Abul Bashar were also Parliamentary Secretaries in Health Ministry. National Democratic Party

for Human Rights” (NDPHR) was founded on 28-10-1988 by the Rohingya community in Arakan. The NDPHR took part in 1990 general election at 9 constituencies and won 4 parliamentary seats in the election, two at Maungdaw and two at Buthidaung while the fifth promising Candidate from Akyab (Sittwe) Constituency (1) U Kyaw Hla Aung.