The Muslim Buddhist Kings of Arakan

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The Muslim Buddhist Kings of Arakan

“Thereafter it is common for the kings, though Buddhist to use Mahomedan designations in addition to their own names, and even to issue medallions bearing the Kalima, the Mahomedan confession of faith, in Persian script; doubtless at first, about this time, the kings had these medallions struck for them inBengal, but later they struck their own.”(G.E.Harvey).

Narameikhla (1404-34) was the first Muslim Buddhist king of Arakan and he was the first Arakanese king of Myauk-U dynasty who kept Muslim name as vassal of Bengal in accordance with the agreement reached between Sultan Jalaluddin Mohammed Nasiruddin Nazir Shah of Bengal and Narameikhla. When he was ousted by Minkhaung (1401-22) of Ava, he ran away to Bengal where he took shelter with her independent ruler Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah (1390-1410) of Gaur where he served Azam Shah with distinction in the field. After many years in exile he was given an army to regain his throne in 1428. Although his Muslim commander at first betrayed and imprisoned him he was ultimately reinstated in 1430.