The Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are Victim of Genocide!

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The Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are Victim of Genocide!

By Haradhan Kumar Mohajan–Faculty of Business Studies, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

This article deals with the genocide against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. For decades, the Rohingya in Myanmar has been the victim of the extensive violation of human rights. Recently the Rohingya, Karen, San, Chin, and other ethnic groups are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. Of them, the Rohingya is the mostly dehumanized and persecuted ethnic minority group. The Rohingya is stateless and exile in its own country. The Government of Myanmar (GoM) has taken attempts for establishing one nation, one language, and one religious policy in the country. Since 2012 the persecution upon the Rohingya in Myanmar falls in the genocide. In 2017, the Rohingya faced the final stages of genocide. Genocide is considered as one of the worst moral crimes a Government can commit against its citizens. An attempt has been taken here to discuss the aspects of genocide, and genocide upon the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

The Rohingya is an ethnic Sufi-Sunni Muslim minority that lives in Rakhine (formerly Arakan) State of Myanmar. The Rohingya becomes one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Recently the Rohingya persecution in Myanmar becomes the highest, and more than 1.1 million Rohingya have migrated in Bangladesh (Kiragu et al., 2011). Rakhine (Arakan) is a State located in the west coast of Myanmar which is one of the poorest regions of the country. Its area is 14,200 square miles (Islam, 1999). In Rakhine, it is estimated that 59.7% of the 3.8 million people are Buddhist, 35.6% are the Rohingya, and the remainder is from other religious groups (Alam, 2013). The Rohingya has its distinct ethnicity with own language and culture, and a long historical connection to Rakhine State (Ullah, 2011). The 1982 Citizenship Law has been denied Burmese citizenship of the Rohingya. Under this law, the Rohingya was not recognized as one of the country’s 135 ethnic groups (Abdelkader, 2014).

International Development Committee has recommended for the solution of the Rohingya crisis. It has also discussed the oppression of the Rohingya in Myanmar (International Development Committee, 2018). Haradhan Kumar Mohajan has indicated that more than one million Rohingya have migrated in Kutupalong-Balukhali, and Nayapara refugee camps, respectively, in Ukhia, and Teknaaf of Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh has provided shelter, food, clothes, treatment, and other humanitarian aid to these Rohingya migrants (Mohajan, 2018). Christina Szurlej has analyzed the aspects of genocides against the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar. She demonstrates in some details how the Rohingya faces an acute risk of genocide. She also describes ten stages of genocide efficiently (Szurlej, 2015). Alina Lindblom and her coauthors have found persuasive evidence that the crime of genocide has been committed against the Rohingya in Rakhine State. They have demanded the independent investigation and keen protection of the Rohingya. They have examined and analyzed a variety of primary sources, including testimonies from the Rohingya, internal Myanmar government documents, and anti-Rohingya propaganda flyers produced by Rakhine monks and politicians (Fortify Rights, 2015). Eleanor Albert has ascertained thattens of thousands of Rohingya left Myanmar to neighboring countries (Albert, 2017).