The Peoples under Threat index identifies those countries around the world where communities face the greatest risk of genocide, mass killing or systematic violent repression.
“This year’s Peoples Under Threat index underscores how, while some threatened minority and indigenous communities are systematically more exposed to the illness, others are scapegoated in conspiracy theories regarding the origin of the pandemic, while yet others face difficulties accessing healthcare services due to their remote locations or systemic discrimination.” according to the MRG press release.
Myanmar ranks 12 this year according to the data gathered by Minority Rights Group International (MRG) and the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights.
Last year Myanmar rank was 14 which reflects the worsening of the human rights situation in Myanmar. The communities at risk in Myanmar are Kachin, Karenni, Karen, Mons, Rakhine, Rohingyas, Shan, Chin (Zomis) and the Wa.
For more information about Myanmar/Burma’s section please visit:
Myanmar people Under threat data

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