On Sunday night, Nurul Hoque (32) son of Bashir embark on sea voyage to Bangladesh with his companions Lalu (40) and three others along with a sampan boat.
These infamous Rohingya muggers commenced their escaping journey from Sidirkul to Mayorkul, where they are about to set sail for Bangladesh coast.
En route to Mayorkul, a fellow resides from Pone Na Zaung attacked Lalu and stabbed him four times on his neck. Scrambling to run, Nurul Hoque was also being stabbed on his feet but managed to jump off from the boat and escaped away. Wounded badly, Nurul walked from shore to shore and reached Sidirkul at dawn.
It is still unknown what happened later, but the stabbers managed to return at Kyawktaw coast where local police arrested them. Lalu and Nurul were sent to Akyab.
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