29th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

Press Release
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29th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique.pdf

1. In response to the kind invitation by the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, the
Twenty-ninth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Session of Solidarity
and Dialogue) was convened in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan, on 14-16 Rabiul Thani
1423H (25-27 June 2002).
2. The Conference was opened with a graceful recitation of verses from the holy Quran.
The Conference then extended its condolences and expressed its sympathy to the Islamic
Republic of Iran because of the earthquake which shook it and a minute of silence was
observed in memory of the victims.
3. His Excellency President Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir, President of the Republic of the
Sudan, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the participating Ministers and
members of delegations and described the Conference as a sizable cohesive international
gathering, where we should strive in earnest to strengthen solidarity and consolidate ties
until this becomes the living reality of our relations as states, peoples, regimes, and
His Excellency the President asserted that our peoples are bound by spiritual, cultural, and
civilizational ties, all springing from one source to which they look for guidance in their daily
lives, their systems of government, their legislations, and their worship. He also asserted
that today’s world is different, that the new challenges are multifarious, and that the
countries of the world, including the major industrial countries, have now realized that they
can no longer face those challenges alone.
His Excellency stressed the enormous responsibility that the Conference has assumed in
working to restore the balance in the shaken international relations and declared that the
Islamic world with its glorious civilization, positive values, abundant resources, strategic
location, and capacity for giving and contributions to all aspects of human advancement
cannot be ignored or disregarded, let alone wiped out in what is referred to as the clash of
His Excellency the President recalled that Khartoum hosted the Summit of the Arab
Leaders following the June 1967 setback which voiced the three famous “NOs”. As it hosts
this great Islamic Conference, Khartoum sends forth another three NOs to the whole world:
No going back on our religion but steadfast attachment to its guidelines with wisdom and
No terrorism in Islam but peace, tolerance, interaction, and defense of self, land, honor, and
No division or dispersal but unity, solidarity, and dialogue.
His Excellency the President concluded his speech by inviting the Member States to
participate effectively in the project to reform the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC) to enable it to assume the historic role entrusted to it. His Excellency
then declared the opening of proceedings of the 29th Session of the Islamic Conference of
Foreign Ministers.