2nd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Comminique

Press Release
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2nd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC final Comminique.pdf

# In conformity with the resolution of the Jeddah Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
adopted on 25th March, 1970, the Second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers met in
Karachi from December 26 to 28, 1970. The following countries participated in the
Conference: Afghanistan, Algeria, Chad, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libyan Arab Republic, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
Senegal, Somalia, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Republic and Yemen Arab Republic.
# The Secretary General of the League of Arab States and a representative of the Palestine
Liberation Organization attended the Conference as observers.
# The Conference elected His Excellency Dr. Abdul Mutalib Malik, head of the Pakistan
delegation, as Chairman and His Excellency Omar Arteh, Foreign Minister of Somalia, as
# The Conference expressed its profound sorrow for the demise of President Gamal Abdul
Nasser, eminent leader of the Muslim, world and paid tribute to his role in world peace and