6th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Final Communique

Press Release
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6th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers Final Communique.pdf

The Sixth Regular Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers met in
Jeddah from 3-6 Rajab, 1395 H. (12-15 July 1975) in implementation of the
resolution adopted by the Fifth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, Kuala
Lumpur, and at the invitation of His Majesty King Khaled Ibn Abdel Aziz. It met in
close proximity to the most Holy Shrine and near the resting-place of the gracious
Prophet (may the Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) under brotherhood,
friendship and Islamic solidarity whose bonds grow in strength day after day.
The Conference was preceded by a preparatory meeting of Senior Officials from the
participating delegations on 30 Jamadi Akhir and the First of Rajab, 1395 H. (9-10
July 1975). The following member states took part in the Conference:
Republic of Afghanistan, Algerian Democratic and Popular Republic, People’s
Republic of Bangladesh, State of the United Arab Emirates, State of Bahrain,
Republic of Cameron, Republic of Chad, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Gabon,
Republic of Gambia, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Indonesia, Empire of Iran,
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, State of Kuwait, Republic of Lebanon, Libyan Arab
Republic, Malaysia, Republic of Mali, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Kingdom of
Morocco, Republic of Niger, Oman Sultanate, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, State of
Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Senegal, Somali Democratic Republic,
Democratic Republic of Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Tunisia, Republic
of Turkey, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Upper Volta, Yemen Arab Republic,
Yemen People’s Democratic Republic, Republic of Iraq, Palestine Liberation
The following attended as Observers:
( 1 ) Nigeria,
( 2 ) League of Arab States,
( 3 ) Rabitah Al-A lam Al-Iskimi,
( 4 ) Muslim World Congress.
The Conference was inaugurated by His Majesty King Khaled lbn Abdel Aziz, King of
Saudi Arabia. The Conference listened to His Majesty’s speech in which he
welcomed Their Excellencies the Heads and Members of the participating
delegations, and stressed the need for strengthening Islamic cooperation in the
present difficult circumstances, and the need for Muslims to
Stand together in the face of challenges, to overcome their problems, and to
promote their potentialities in all fields.
His Majesty delivered the following speech:
”In the Name of Allah who has united us in the true Faith, and Praise be to the
Prophet who has laid for us the Path of Glory and Unity.”