Hidden Treasures of Rohingya

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Hidden Treasures of Rohingya

By May Yu – Myo Aung is Freelance Journalist, Yangon. May 20, 2014.

Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, Yangon University of Distance Education, First Year Text Book, Module No. Geog. 1004-Geography of Myanmar (For History Students), Code No (19), (2012)

Along the borders of Myanmar where mountain barriers do not hinder movement of population, minority groups are found on either side of the boundary. A small ethnic group named Young who lives in northern Thailand, Laos and northern Vietnam can be found in Kyaington of southern Shan State. The Kokant Chinese group is found east of the Thanlwin river Kokant Township. In northern Rakhine State close to the border with Bengladesh at Butheedaung and Maungdaw townships are where the Rohinggas and Chittaganians live. These minority ethnic groups had settled in the border regions since early days. (page-94)

May Yu Frontier Area was administrative by Border Admin Department for directly. This admin system was declar by state Government and handover to May Yu Frontier Area. But various of reasons for not arrange to practically. Beginning form 30th May 1961 for yield result to administrative system. May Yu Frontier Area is located at between East Paskistan and Myanmar. Fixedby Naf River for measure. That Frontier Area was west to East Pakistan, East to May Yu River, Sai Tin Creek, South to Rakhine Coastline, Bay of Bengal, North to East Pakistan. In previous time, Buthi Taung Township, Maung Taw Township and North-West of Rathitaung Township in Sittwe District Central of May Yu Mountain and Between the May Yu and Naf River place in May Yu Frontier Area. That May Yu Frontier Area is around the very many of Mountain, River and fishing place. Very slope for hight at North to South. Two mountain of Sai Tin and May Yu and May Yu river and Naf River are very famous from North to South.

Total population of over 4 lakhs to nearly 5 lakhs in May Yu Frontier Area. All of people are Agriculture and Fisheries 75 % of Rohingya and a few of Rakhine, Dai Nat, Myo, KhMee. Rohingya are Islamist. All Rakhine are Buddhist and other race is Nat Religious. At that present time for May Yu Frontier Area Head office is open at Maung . Head officer of Rakhine force take duty of Security, Defence, Peace, Law and Order of Social Development. Especially very many of Administrative Office at Maungdaw, Buthldaung. And many school at that place. (See at Buthidaung Town, Maungdaw Town. Main objection of found for law and order to May Yu Frontier Area. Under mentioned and are officer of admirative of May Yu Frontier Area.

Mujahid Rebel were fight, to take action to rebel of economics by out of law and order, to event of entry by without discipline to Myanmar, to admin for not different to race or religious, to friendly for Government of Pakistan for neighbours, to diplomatic of all service to Border area, all stuff under the Guardianship of Frontier Area and very unity. So, May Yu Frontier Area administrative are very good and improve in now. So Union of Myanmar, Revolutionary Government decide for keep the May Yu Frontier Area under the Sittwe District and under the admirative system. So, May Yu Frontier Area was handover to Ministry of Home and Religious from Frontier Area administrative on 1st February 1964.

This is submitted monograph that the Islam, inhabitants within Rakhine State are minority natives, Citizen who are living constantly as their native region since ancient time according to history.

  1. BOGYOKE AUNG SAN’S SPEECH (BLANK CHEQUE) – While U BO Khine arrived at Sittwe in 1946, Bogyoke Aung San, Hintada U Mya and U Aung Zan Wai arrived at Sittwe. Bogyoke Aung San gave speech that ”Please Muslim People make hand in hand with us. I shall give Blank Cheque. Die together and alive together. Claim as you wish. I shall allow As much as I can. If natives are divided, it is difficult to achieve independence of Burma.”
  2. PHA-SA-PA-LA CONGRESS – Dee Doke Journal published on 4th February 1946, mentioned ” Dee Doke U Ba Cho submitted a proposal to the last whole Burma Congress of Pha-Sa-Pa-La Organization where Bogyoke Aung San had attended, in order to give reasonable rights of minority natives for Myanmar Muslims with Union of Myanmar. Such proposal was accepted as proposal No.(6)and Pathein Ko Mya Sein, Phapon Ko Ba Swe, Mon Phoe Cho recommended it, and there were no objector so that the proposal was confirmed.
  3. AUNG SAN ATTLEE TREATY – In ANNEX (A) of Aung San Attlee Treaty mentioned, ”A Burma National is defined for the purposes of eligibility to vote and to stand as a candidate at the forthcoming elections as a British Subject for the Subject of an Indian State who was born in Burma and resided there for a total period of not less than eight years in the ten years immediately proceeding either 1st January, 1942 or 1st January, 1947.” Aung San signed it.
  4. THE PANGLONG AGREEMENT – In paragraph 7 of the Panglong Agreement mentioned ”Citizen of the Frontier Areas shall enjoy rights and privileges which area regarded as fundamental in democratic countries. In accordance with such facts meeting of Cabinet decided to prescribed May Yu Frontier Area, the inhabitants within May Yu Frontier Area had been prescribed as minority Rohingya natives and thenalso allowed to broadcast as minority ethnic programs from Burma Broadcasting Service (BBS) with effect from 15th May, 1961. That is to be considered as a result arisen from paragraph 7 of the Panglong Agreement.